Best Practices for Handling Positive and Negative Reviews of Your Shopify Store

Afterward setting up your online store, the goal is to become it known within your target market. Stretching from when the cyberspace wasn't a phenomenon, buyers always sought their neighbors' input leading to the purchase of a given production.

Fast forward to the era of online shopping, these neighbors brand their opinions about item products through the reviews they exit online.

Customer reviews are a powerful tool that can either make or break your Shopify shop. While it might seem like information technology'due south simply the grumblings of a few unsatisfied customers, negative reviews will transport rippling effects through your entire operation.

You might deploy comprehensive marketing strategies alongside innovative sales techniques but still come across niggling change in your online business concern' performance. The trouble will stalk from inadequate treatment of product reviews on your Shopify shop.

In this article, we explore in detail how you can get more than product reviews on Shopify stores and how you tin can ensure that they're accurate.

What makes customer reviews for Shopify authentic?

According to various studies, 84 percent of customers pay attention to online reviews when shopping. Moreover, these customers trust online reviews from strangers but as much as personal recommendations from friends and family unit. Your Shopify store needs to accept a streamlined arrangement that allows customers to leave reviews. From these reviews, y'all come across what improvements to make, what to get rid of, and what practices to go along.

An example of customer reviews in Divide theme

Ensure that only someone that has used the product or service can leave a review. Potential customers can hands sniff out imitation reviews. This allows you lot to leverage the power of social proof. In other words, authentic reviews on your site will draw in potential customers, enabling yous to convert them into buyers.

Real product reviews give uncertain customers an unbiased look into the quality of your products and overall feel of buying from your shop.

How to get more Shopify product reviews

When well-nigh customers come up into your online store, they add together products to their cart and proceed to checkout. And so, they look for y'all to transport their items to their doorstep. Once they receive the products, few buyers volition bother to render to your site. That is if the production meets their expectations. Customers are more probable to go out reviews if your service falls short. Positive customer reviews for Shopify are harder to come by.

Therefore, you have to find a style to elicit reviews from customers regardless of whether they're leaving positive or negative comments.

Hither's how you can become more customer reviews for Shopify.

1. Make the review process easy

Put yourself in the customer'due south shoes. You want to take a smooth experience while making a review. Therefore, as the seller, make it easy for your customer to leave a production review for your Shopify shop. Keep the process short and sweet. Fifty-fifty bad reviews are feedback. They examination your client relationship management in the mode you respond. Attain out to the customer and make them feel heard, and the get-ahead to piece of work on the result raised.

Writing review in KINGDOM theme

Generally, the said client will come back with a useful review afterward following up.

2. Ask for the review

This may come as an obvious trick, but many ignore it. There is no shame in request the customer to get alee and speak about the user experience they have with you.
Research shows that consumers will frequently get out a review for a business when asked.

Commonly, the customers have it upon themselves to write and get out reviews, but a fiddling push button from you lot is not bad at all. It solidifies the fact that you desire to hear what the customers want to say about you and are non afraid of whatever the annotate may be. An automated review process on your Shopify shop volition ensure that customers are nudged to make the review.

3. Brand the review bonny with incentives

Everyone loves free things. In the world of the consumer, information technology ways less expense on a future purchase or an extra product on what has already been purchased.

Incentivize your reviews with discounts on subsequent purchases. This has proven as a way of hitting two birds with one stone, getting more than reviews for your Shopify store and increasing your online store'south conversion rate.

4. Email your customers

Your marketing efforts are more than probable to include a lead generation strategy. You are at an advantage that your customers submit their emails, among other details, for identification and easy communication. Apply these email addresses to reach out to them.

Set up automatic review request emails to customers once they have received their order. This email will push them to share their feel with the product they bought from your store.

Be creative with this email. Avoid the basic content header and body. Customize your advice to resonate with your customers based on their demographic details.

When they reply in electronic mail, be sure to respond to them equally well. Intermission the cycle that pins stores for using automatic chatbots that are the least bit interactive. When the review is negative, reach out to the consumer, make them feel heard, and get alee to rectify the effect and show you care. In the end, it'southward how y'all handle negative reviews that brand all the departure.

5. Utilize visual content to attain out

Basic text isn't every bit engaging equally images or videos. Homo brains process visual data lx,000 times faster than text. Visual content such as images, colors, and shapes reach our brain faster than textual data.

The consumer's reaction to your method of requesting feedback depends entirely on how well-thought-out and engaging your visual work is. The response that comes after was already decided by the brain after looking at your visual work. Therefore, you need to employ plenty of visual cues to get more product reviews on Shopify.

6. Show off your review scores

Everyone wants to brag a niggling about fifty-fifty the smallest things. Naught is stopping yous from flaunting those 5-star reviews you have gotten.

For Shopify product reviews, the all-time place to put them is on the product page itself so that they are hyper-relevant to that folio.

Humans are remarkably impressionable. When one customer sees their friend has done a review and it has been shown, they will be drawn into making themselves displayed on the product page.

7. Get in a signal to react to all reviews

Throughout this article, we have made it known that man beings attach a lot of emotion to their purchases and the process before and after.

It doesn't matter whether a review is skillful or bad; y'all will need to react to them. Appreciate and nudge those with good reviews to come back and make purchases with yous. Reach out to those who do negative reviews and sympathize their dissatisfaction. This will show that you value every opinion and everyone who comes into contact with your product and your Shopify shop. And it won't accept a lot of your time. The customer is vital for your shop, and they are supposed to be treated to satisfaction.

Beginning-time buyers are usually influenced by the conversations held about the reviews. If the feedback is taken greatly and acted upon, chances are high they will be loyal customers. Consequently, they'll be more willing to go out reviews because they become to interact with the make.

In 2019 alone, the average person spent 135 minutes on social media daily. These are the people that collaborate with your product and your online shop. Furthermore, they feel free to say a thing or two apropos their experience with your product.
You can have advantage of this willingness to mail an opinion by providing a aqueduct for your audience to leave customer reviews for Spotify. For case, you can add a review tab to your shop's Facebook page. Facebook reviews enable potential customers who come across your brand on the platform to get a measure of your products and brand in full general.

Alternatively, yous can invite your customers to share their experiences with your shop past using a branded hashtag on Instagram. A like method can be used on Twitter likewise.

9. Request reviews at an platonic time

Ask for the review at the correct fourth dimension. A reminder for your customers to leave product reviews is vital, just as much as when to send it.

Information technology is an online store; therefore, there will exist time betwixt the placement of the order and delivery. You don't want to inquire for the review as soon as the customer has cleared their cart. This is considering the consumer has but just come in contact with your product and hasn't had enough time to form a reasonable opinion. If you ask for a review about the product at this time, chances are high the review will be negative because they will consider this annoying and pestering.

Y'all also don't want to send in the review request three or iv months after the customer came into contact with your product. Chances are that the customer doesn't recall the experience they had with your product.

Of course, this only works if y'all sell products with a short life span. Some products are long-lasting, enabling customers to develop opinions about them over time.
At that place is no articulate cut definition on fourth dimension to reach out to the client. To best understand when to reach out, put yourself in the consumer's shoes, and imagine when you would want to hear from the store about the product.

ten. Build a rapport with consumers

With the tight contest in the eCommerce space, yous need to make sure you stand out. One way to achieve this is to appoint more with customers. When they perceive your brand'due south personality, they're more likely to open up. Therefore, you need to build a rapport with your consumers.

This will help your business in various aspects similar increasing sales, building loyalty, creating advocates, and creating a peachy customer experience to grow your concern.

Little things like a hand-written note of gratitude or fifty-fifty a birthday menu or gift could become a long mode in cementing this human relationship with your consumers. When buyers feel confident, and at ease with the brand, you're more likely to get more product reviews on Shopify.


Social proof is a neat manner to catechumen visitors to your Shopify shop into customers. Production reviews provide social proof, showing potential buyers that other people relish your products. When they run into this, they're tempted to bring together the pack because they don't desire to miss out.

Therefore, y'all need to get in several customer reviews for Shopify. They will put stock in your offering. This is more axiomatic when you display reviews next to each item in your production range.

This is why information technology'due south so important to choose the right theme that allows you lot to aptly and prominently display product reviews and testimonials on your product pages.


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