Chapter One How to Read Literature Like a Professor

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Retentiveness, symbol and pattern heavily touch the reading of literature through many means. Memory is a key function in reading literature because it helps usa make connections to real life and other literary works. Without retention, we would not be able to make connections between different literary pieces which would not enable the states to find patterns and symbols within divide works. Symbols are used in about every literary piece and it helps to requite the reader a deeper agreement of the novel. In general, symbols give the literary pieces more depth and add hidden details and meanings to a basic objects or beliefs. Patterns affect the reading of literature considering it helps us to sympathise where the story will most probable go. If a movie follows the same storyline equally a book that you have previously read, information technology is easy to infer that the movie will near likely accept the aforementioned broad storyline. Patterns help u.s. to recognise how the story volition play out and why.

Recognition of patterns makes it easier to read complicated literature because you can get a feel for what the plot has in shop. Once a reader has read a book with a similar storyline, the reader will be able to recognise the pattern and infer how the story will go. This is important while reading complicated literature because if you lot can connect the difficult literature to a basic piece of literature which you've previously read, the process of reading will become much easier as you lot volition know the basics for what is happening in the story.

While reading Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison, I establish an appreciation for symbols as it enhanced my understanding of the literary work. The novel itself is full of symbolism and without a proper understanding of the symbols, the book would have made no sense. The symbols were intricate and added depth and more significant to the novel which made the book more interesting and enhanced the overall reading feel.

ENTRY two: CHAPTER ane- EVERY TRIP IS A QUEST (EXCEPT WHEN Information technology'S Not)

A quest consists of five cardinal ideas. One, a quester who is the individual who goes on a quest, usually unknowingly. Next, there is a place to get and additionally in that location is a stated reason to go there. The hero needs to go somewhere for something which is why the quester starts their journeying. Fourthly, there are challenges and trials on the journeying and route. These setbacks help the quester to understand and abound every bit a person which ultimately leads them to the last stage of the quest, which is the real reason for the journey. This concluding stage brings enlightenment to the quester about the real reason for their quest which is about never the stated reason. The real reason for a quest is self-discovery and cocky-knowledge. The quest in the novel Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison:

The quester: Macon (Milkman) Expressionless Iii, a young, selfish and unmotivated individual who is on the passage into adulthood. He is unsatisfied with himself and tries to find his own identity abroad from his parents.

A place to get: His desire for a better life leads Milkman to travel to Danville where he experiences self discovery which leads him to Virginia. He then returns back dwelling house to his family unit and and then on his terminal trip he goes to Shalimar where he flies away.

A stated reason to get there: Milkman's father, calls upon Milkman to steal golden from Pilate. This aureate would benefit his father, his friend Guitar and himself every bit the gilt would aid him escape his current life.

Challenges and Trials: Throughout Milkman's journeying he faces several trials and challenges. His offset setback is when his motorcar breaks downwards which delays his trip. Later, Milkman gets into a fight with a civilian who injures and cuts him with a knife. Additionally, he also fails to detect the gold which was the principal purpose of his journey. His biggest trial is when Guitar continuously tries to impale him and almost succeeds while hunting.

The real reason to go: During the class of his quest, Milkman goes through a phase of self-discovery and cocky-knowledge. He reconnects with his African heritage which helps him escape his unsatisfying life. The quest enabled him to larn well-nigh his roots and transformed the style he viewed life as he finally learned non to value materialistic items. Eventually, Milkman achieves freedom through flight considering of his quest.


Acts of communion are very popular in literature since they brandish the relationship betwixt the people seated at the table. The Shatter Me series is a cracking example of both a good and bad communion. When Juliette has her first communion with Warner, the believed to be antagonist, the mood is noticeably negative as she denies the luxurious food. Her desire to non share nutrient with him shows that she is not willing to stand up with him, similar him or course a community with him. This behaviour continues but slowly fades away as their relationship builds.

Later in the series, the uncomfortable communions transform. As Warrens and Juliette's human relationship build, their communions plough into a display for their love. Instead of sitting across the table from each other, they dine closer. They dress in overnice clothes to show the importance of the communion. This change in eating manners and behaviour shows Juliettes new willingness to stand with Warren, to like him and to become a community with him. Acts of communion are an essential part to showing the relationships between people.

ENTRY four: Chapter 3- Overnice TO EAT YOU: ACTS OF VAMPIRES

The essentials of a Vampire story are quite predictable. These essentials include an older figure who has corrupt and outworn values; a young, morally innocent female; youth, virtue and energy beingness stripped abroad from the woman; the life of the man continues; the destruction or terminate of life ot the young adult female. These five essentials make up a typical Vampire story.

This pattern is followed in the book series and film series Vampire Diaries. In the series, Damon, an older vampire turns his teen girlfriend, Elena, into a vampire. Her turn changes her life as she drops out of highschool, encounters struggles with relationships, feeding and accepting herself. Her exposure to vampirism strips abroad her innocence and shows her how corrupt the existent globe is. Her turn led her to be a role of many fights and struggles which eventually leaves her in an eternal slumber while her swain lives on. It is very credible that The Vampire Diaries has the v essentials for existence a typical Vampire story.


Intertextuality creates a deeper meaning and agreement in a text because it adds features from other previous texts into information technology. The inspired text shapes another text through interconnections and resemblances which then mirror the influences of the original author. This literary device aids the readers in understanding and interpreting the text in a certain mode.

A literary piece of work which used intertextuality was The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The intertextuality between Fitzgerald's novel and T.Southward. Eliot's poem " The Waste material Land" aided me in agreement the meaning backside certain settings. Both writers present a setting which is desolate and infertile which represents a "spiritually dead" surround. In Fitzgerald'southward novel, the dreary surround of the valley of ashes resembles Eliot'southward waste product country.

A text which aided me while reading All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven was The Perks of Beingness a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. In Chbosky'southward novel, the story follows a teenage male child, Charlie, combating a mental affliction which helped me understand Theodore Finch'south grapheme in Nivens story equally the two characters faced similar mental issues.

The Fault in Our Stars past John Greenish helped me to understand the difficulty of dear in Eleanor and Park past Rainbow Rowell. The 2 books face the common problems of separation between lovers. Both of the novels end with the lovers being separated from one another. Green'southward novel aided me in agreement that although lovers may be autonomously, death in Greens example or States in Rowells, that the love between characters will never fade.


The film The Hunger Games reflects the fairy tale "Jack and the Beanstalk" in several means. Katniss is a young teen who lives with her widowed mother and her dearest little sister. Jack is a young male child who lives with his widowed mother and several beloved cows. Both of their families run low on money and nutrient so Jack sacrifices his cows for magical beans while Katniss sacrifices herself to fight in the Hunger Games. Jack ends up condign a murderer and thief only his wrongdoings don't affect him as he lived happily always after. Katniss becomes a huntress and murderer whos wrongdoings haunt her but ends upwardly living a happy life. Both characters had such a profound impact that they received nicknames of "The Behemothic Slayer" and "The Mockingjay". Both stories have noticeable similarities regarding the plot line.

The parallelism of the stories create a deepened appreciation considering it adds more than interest. The unlike characters, setting, etc. add uniqueness while the reflection of the fairy tale gives a sense of familiarity. The volume/movie was very unique at the time but the fairytale like storyline made it easier to make sense of the story. The harmony which the familiarity and uniqueness create grade a a sense of solidity, depth and resonance.

ENTRY vii: Chapter 10- IT'S More THAN Just Pelting OR SNOW

In the film Serial Dark, weather condition plays a large office in setting the tone. When young children start to go missing in a small-scale town in Frg, the weather dramatically changes. In every episode, there is heavy rainfall which rarely seems to terminate. This abiding heavy rainfall furthers the mood of the characters, natural world and the overall story.

The rainstorm displays all characters disorientation and heartache after several of their towns children disappear without a trace. The rain also represents the mystery behind the story as there are no clues to where the children went. Rain also adds to the mystery of the paradox of time travel which is discovered by the primary character Jonas. Overall, the rain acts equally a coating of mystery and misery envelops the whole small town.


In George Orwell's Animal Subcontract, the main purpose of the novella is to criticize the 1917 Russian Revolution in which Joseph Stalin came to power. The farm animals overthrow their human possessor and take over the farm which represents the Bolshevik Revolution. Over fourth dimension Napoleon, a pig, becomes the boss and begins to dominion the farm. He shows traits which embody Joseph Stalin. The story continues to follow the events which occurred during the Russian Revolution and exhibits the furnishings of totalitarianism.

This story exemplifies Orwell'southward opinions and views regarding the political circumstances within Russia during the revolution. He displays that totalitarianism did not meliorate Russian federation as a whole but rather worsened the conditions for the people in Russian federation or the animals of the farm. Through the publication of this novella, many people became exposed to Orwell'southward belief that ability can lead to exploitation and despotism.


In Song of Solomon, flying as a method of escape is a major theme. Milkman wants to escape from racism, prejudice and everything that is holding him back. However, in order to fly, you must let become of everything inessential. This was hard for Milkman to learn and took him a while to grasp. He eventually accomplished flight after his hero'due south journey which was all about self discovery.

Although those who wing escape from constricting situations, the ones who are left behind are scarred. When Solomon took flight, he escaped the slavery of Virginia's cotton fiber fields but also left Ryna, his wife, and their twenty-ane children backside. Milkman's flying frees him from Michigan's Not Md Street and his unsatisfying life, but likewise causes Hagar to pass away considering of heartbreak. Flight in Vocal of Solomon is connected to heartache as to reach flight, you lot must get out everything behind. Although it seems that only men can have flight in the novel, Pilate is able to fly without abandoning anyone. As Milkman explains, she is able to fly without always lifting her anxiety off the basis. She has cleaved the connexion between flight and abandonment.


An archetype tin also be called a universal symbol. In literature, an archetype may be a graphic symbol, theme, symbol or setting which represents universal human being patterns. Archetypes also have common and reappearing representations in a human culture or the entire world. Many believe that archetypes form and blueprint a literary work.

One of many archetypal stories is the hero story. This is when the protagonist has an objective and encounters trials and challenges while trying to achieve their goal. Their ability to stay true to themselves while achieving their goal is what makes them a hero. An instance of this archetype is Harry Potter in the series Harry Potter. He takes on a big responsibility which would keep the world safe from evil. He remains dauntless all throughout his journey even when faced with hard trials. Harry overcomes his many trials and completes his mission while never losing his truthful identity.


When a graphic symbol in a literary work has a physical imperfection, it e'er means something. Information technology could simply be a mark to make the plot work meliorate or it could mean something more deep which makes the story more than interesting. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is an example of a character whose physical imperfection had implications on characterization. The protagonist, Quasimodo, has several physical imperfection including his hunched back and facial deformations. In the end, he overcomes his physical appearance to practice something positive.

Quasimodo was abandoned as a baby purely for being deformed and considered ugly. This backstory gives the reader an outlook for what his life has consisted of. Because of his physical deformities, he is ordered to stay in a bell tower and so no one could see him. He has no friends except his beloved pace-father. Regardless of his outer appearance, Quasimodo still managed to exist the hero at the end of the story. His hunched back added to the characterization, plot and moral of the story. Quasimodo's label shows that one does non need to be a model to exist a hero and that his concrete imperfections did not concord him dorsum from being a hero.


F. Scott Fitzgerald employs irony throughout his entire novel, The Great Gatsby. The first page of the volume depicts irony when Nick, the narrator, explains himself to hold back all judgements. Notwithstanding, several sentences later on, he gain to judge a group of men for expressing their stories of success or failure. Nick's narration volition continue to exist judgemental throughout the novel.

The dear triangle between Tom, Daisy, and Gatsby becomes apparently ironic through diverse scenes in the book. One of the most ironic beingness the post car accident scene. Gatsby waits outside of the Buchanan'south house all dark to make sure that Daisy is okay and that Tom doesn't hurt her. In the meantime, Daisy is inside reconciling with Tom. This scene leaves readers feeling empathy and pity for Gatsby equally it reveals his abiding ironic struggle for approval from Daisy which he volition never be able to reach.


In the book, a motif that was not discussed is color. Colour is used in many books as a motif including The Keen Gatsby, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and Of Mice and Men. In these literature works, colour helps the story to develop and creates deeper meanings.

Colour is maybe one of the strongest motifs in literature every bit colours often stand for the aforementioned theme or emotions throughout different genres. It is easy to identify that white is purity, blackness is evil, ruby is love or anger, etc. Colour is an important function of literature equally it adds depth and deeper meaning when though out. Without color, literature would exist manifestly and dull. Colour is a consistent motif across literature which is why many focus on learning the true meanings backside them.


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